Keeping track of tasks and projects with GNU Emacs and Org Mode

Org-mode is a set of functionalities inside GNU Emacs, geared towards note-taking, structuring text and managing tasks. These functionalities become available with activating Org-Mode (M-x org-mode) or simply by opening a file with the .org extension.

Org is an incredibly broad mode. Just as Emacs itself goes beyond being a text editor, Org Mode is much more than a note taking app running in Emacs. In fact, it is useful to see Org not so much as an organisational solution, but rather as a toolbox for building organisational solutions.

From a beginner's point of view however, Org is easy to get started with. Taking structured notes, folding, reordering and jumping between headlines requires no configuration and already provide great benefits a zero cost. Exporting notes to HTML or ODT files is available out of the box, a keystroke away. From there, users are free to explore the various settings and functionalities available to them, and invest in learning how to use them as they see fit.

Complexity is not imposed […]. Org is a toolbox. Many users actually run only a (very personal) fraction of Org's capabilities, and know that there more whenever they need it.

The Org Mode 9 Reference Manual, Carsten Dominik

Org Mode can be used for a wide range of purposes, and no two Org users use it in the same way. This text focuses on using Org to manage lists of tasks and projects, from capturing ideas early on - all the way archiving completed projects. I hope it can serve as a guide and inspiration for newcomers to Org, to either replicate a similar workflow or mould a system of their own. Lastly, I want to stress that only a small subset of Org's functionalities are described in this post. This should come as good news though, as it means there's always more to explore and be surprised by.

1. Organise text

At the core of Org is a simple markup language, similar to markdown or reStructuredText. The content of an Org document can be structured using headlines, lists and tables. Text itself can be underlined, stroke trough, or italicized or bold.

* A top level headline
  Headlines are declared using the ~*~ character.
  The content of headlines is simply text below it.
* Another top level headline
  This section illustrates
  - lists
    + sublists 1
    + sublists 2
  - lower level headlines
  - links
** And a sublevel headline
   Some content with a link to my website.
*** A subheader with a table
    Org comes with a full-blown plain text table editor,
    that also brings surprisingly powerful spreadsheet functionalities.

    |   a |   b |   c |
    | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 |

When writing notes, an essay, or even a scientific paper1, there isn't much more you need. In addition, Org makes it straightforward to export the plain text Org document to a richer format, such as PDF (through LaTeX), ODT (to be used with LibreOffice or MS Word for instance), or HTML. This post is actually written using Org, and you are reading the exported HTML version of the underlying Org file.

It's worth noting than Org documents are just plain text, and therefore could be written using any text editor2. However, editing Org files is most convenient within GNU Emacs, since Org-mode automatically renders Org syntax (e.g. it will display headlines in a different colour, often with an increased font size). Org-mode also provides a wealth of functionalities to efficiently manipulate Org documents, such as reorder and sort headlines and lists, insert new headlines, links and tables. More importantly, Org makes it very efficient to navigate the document, for instance by jumping to the next headline of any level (C-c n) or jumping to the parent headline (C-c u).

1.1. Further reading in the Org Mode manual

2. Organise tasks

In Org, it is common for headlines to represent tasks. Beyond its title, a headline can be further described using either, or a combination of:

  • A TODO state (typically something like "TODO" or "DONE")
  • A collection of one or more tags (each represented as a character string, like "home" or "office").
  • A collection of one or more properties (each represented by a key-value pair, like Date: 2003 or City: Oxford).
** DONE Introduce TODO states, tags and categories      :emacs:writing:
   :CATEGORY: blog
   :myprop:   myvalue

The above defines a new headline with a TODO state TODO. By default, tasks can take two states: TODO or DONE. Users are free to redefine the variable org-todo-keywords to introduce more states:

(setq org-todo-keywords
           '((sequence "TODO" "STARTED" "WAITING" "|" "DONE" "CANCELLED")))

TODO states are most conveniently set using C-c t (org-todo). It is also possible to cycle through the different states in order in the order their appear in the sequence, using S-RIGHT.

In addition to the state of a task, headlines can be described by a collection of tags. In the above example, the task introduce TODO states, tags and categories is attached two tags: emacs and writing. By default, using C-c q (org-set-tags-command) will let you input anything as a tag. Choose whatever you think best describes the task according to your organisational system. Note that Org will offer completion based on the tags already defined throughout the document.

A list of allowed tags can be defined, either as a file property

#+TAGS: meeting(m) talk(t) seminar
This syntax defines a property ~TAGS~ for the whole document. It controls the
options offered by ~org-set-tags-command~.

or by defining the variable org-tags-alist:

(setq org-tag-alist '(("meeting" . ?m) ("talk" . ?t) ("seminar" . ?s)))

Either way, it is possible to define a shortcut for tags (e.g m for meeting). This is optional.

Lastly, the example task introduce TODO states, tags and categories has the property CATEGORY set to blog. Headlines can be associated properties :KEY: value inside a :PROPERTIES: drawer. Both KEY and value can be set using C-x p (org-set-property) to any string you want. However, there are some special properties, and CATEGORY is one of them. We'll talk about it in more details later in this post. A list of special properties can be found at Properties are a supplementary way of describing a headline, in a way complementary to tags.

Adding such "metadata" to headlines enables their organisation and tracking. For instance, it is common to keep track of lists of tasks, e.g. organising them by tags and/or properties or displaying them on an agenda.

3. Using TODO states, tags and properties in practice

This section describes my personal use of TODO states, tags and properties. This provide a simple example illustrating how Org can be tailored to a specific workflow.

3.1. Describing tasks and projects

Separating tasks from projects is inspired by the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology, introduced by David Allen. A task can be expressed as a single action like send latest draft to John. In this case, the path to completion is clear: opening my email client, attaching the latest draft and hitting send. A project is something larger, that must be decomposed into a series of subsequent or parallel tasks, like Update paper following Jane's feedback. In this case, the path to completion isn't that clear, and writing something like * TODO Update paper following Jane's feedback isn't going to lead to anything except procrastination. Instead, it is good practice to identify the next tangible action that would move the project forward, something like Summarise Jane's feedback on first draft.

In Org terms, I define a task as any headline with an active todo state, whereas any top level headline without a todo state must be a project, containing tasks as second-level entries with a todo state. Top level headlines with an active todo state are standalone tasks.

* A project
** TODO The next action that would move the project forward

* TODO A standalone task

3.2. TODO states, tags and the CATEGORY property

3.2.1. TODO states

The states TODO and DONE available by default are not very descriptive. Let's introduce three new states:

  • STARTED: Describes a task that was started, but not completed yet.
  • WAITING: Describes a task that was deferred to someone else, e.g * WAITING Jane to share her changes with me.
(setq org-todo-keywords
        '((sequence "TODO(t)" "STARTED(s!)" "WAITING(w!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELLED(c!)")))

The exclamation mark following the shortcut letter tells Org to record to change to the new state. Here is an example:

** WAITING Draft PR on enabling pickling of ~EvaluatorPython~ objects :issue_1283_pickle_python_format:
   - State "WAITING"    from "DONE"       [2021-01-07 Thu 15:26]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-01-07 Thu 15:26]
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"              [2021-01-05 Tue 10:39] \\

The line - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-01-05 Tue 10:39] \\ was automatically added by Org as I set the task's state to DONE. Logging state changes is a very important part of my system, both for keeping track of when I completed/started a task/project (or since when I have been waiting for something), but also for generating a bird's eye view of what I did in a day, using the Org agenda as described further down.

Whenever setting a new state, it is possible to attach a note with the change. In the above example I used this functionality to add a link to the actual product of the task (a Pull Request on GitHub). To do this, use org-todo with a prefix argument (i.e. C-u C-c t).

3.2.2. Tags

I use tags for attaching contexts to tasks. An example is

* NEXT Clean road bike                               :chore:home:goodweather:

Whenever I think about cleaning my bike, I can also think of several things I could do instead. So it's a chore. It's also something that I can only do when I'm at home, so it's attached the home tag. Lastly, I don't have a space to clean my bike inside, so it's better to do this when it's good weather.

Attaching contexts to tasks is useful for two reasons. First, it helps answering the question What do I do know? If I have the time and mood for a chore, am home and weather isn't too bad outside, I know that cleaning my bike would make good use of this time. Tags also add supplementary information to a headline, and this can prove helpful to find a specific task or project later. Actually we'll see in a minute that tags can be searched.

3.2.3. Properties

Properties serve a role similar to tags, but are key-value pairs instead of a single value. This difference is illustrated in the Org manual as follows:

First, properties are like tags, but with a value. Imagine maintaining a file where you document bugs and plan releases for a piece of software. Instead of using tags like release_1, release_2, you can use a property, say Release, that in different sub-trees has different values, such as 1.0 or 2.0.

The Org Mode 9.4 Reference Manual, Chapter 7 Properties and Columns

The manual further describes how properties are useful to attach information to headlines in a way that almost turn Org documents into a database. In section 4, I'll describe how properties can be used to look up tasks and projects in this database. Properties keys and values are arbitrary, and users are free to define the properties they like. Lastly, it's useful to know that Org comes with a handful of special properties with a well-defined meaning. You can find the a list a special properties in section 7.2 of the Org 9.4 Reference Manual: Special Properties.

Surprisingly, I don't make extensive use of Org properties in my current workflow. One property I do use a lot is the special property CATEGORY. By default, the value of CATEGORY for headlines in a Org file is name of this file. This comes in handy when compiling lists of tasks across a pool of org files, as described in the next section. More generally, I interpret the value of CATEGORY as a specific areas of focus, another concept borrowed from David Allen's GTD approach. As a Research Software Engineer, my days are spread across several research software projects, but also training courses I develop and deliver. There's also several academic communities and networks I'm involved in, such as the Oxford Code Review Network or Reproducible Research Oxford. Not to forget the non-professional activities, like sport and hobbies. Personal admin and less glamorous tasks (like shopping tasks) are there too. These areas of focus tend to have little overlap, and are therefore well described by the CATEGORY property. Note the difference with tags: a task can have multiple tags, but only one category.

4. Compiling lists of tasks and projects

So far we've learned how to attach useful information to headlines, e.g by setting their state, describing their context or their area. If you're like me though, tasks are generated faster than you complete them, which leads to an ever growing number of tasks and projects. Even with all of them described with the right TODO state, collection of tags and CATEGORY property, the simple view of this long list of things to do can be daunting, confusing, and actually counter productive.

The challenge is clearly stated in David Allen's Getting Things Done:

[…] the ultimate point and challenge of all this personal collecting, processing, organising and reviewing methodology: It's 9:22 A.M, Wednesday morning – what do you do?

Getting Things Done, David Allen

To answer this question, we are going to use Org's functionalities to compile lists and agenda views of tasks, organised according to TODO states, tags, and properties.

4.1. Listing all TODO tasks

Let's consider the content of an example Org file named

* TODO Update conda package for scikit-fem                     :conda:github:
* Implement parallel parameter sweeping          :python:dev:multiprocessing:
  :CATEGORY: pybamm
** DONE Get familiar with the ~multiprocessing~ module
** DONE Draft PR on enabling pickling of ~EvaluatorPython~ objects :issue_1283_pickle_python_format:
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"              [2021-01-05 Tue 10:39] \\
** TODO Understand why call to ~__setstate_~ isn't covered by tests :issue_1283_pickle_python_format:
* STARTED Draft outline of presentation for FOSDEM2021
* Prepare short presentation on Org-mode for MxResearch  :MxResearch:orgmode:
  DEADLINE: <2021-01-14 Thu 14:30>
* CAL Presentation on org-mode for productivity  :present:orgmode:MxResearch:
  <2021-01-07 Thu 15:00>
* CAL Meeting with Jane Doe
  <2021-01-15 Fri 09:00>
* CAL OxfordRSE coffee catchup
  <2021-01-05 Tue 11:00 +1w>
* CAL PyBaMM dev meeting
  <2021-01-04 Mon 13:30-14:30>
* TODO Describe packaging of ~idaklu~ C extension in issue #1296     :github:
  :CATEGORY: pybamm

Our starting point for building lists of tasks is the agenda dispatcher, which we invoke with M-x org-agenda. For convenience, this is usually bound to C-c a, but it's not by default:

(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)

Commands available from the agenda dispatcher, known as agenda commands, do not operate on the buffer visited at the time the dispatcher was called. Instead, they operate on a list of Org files defined by the variable org-agenda-files. Let's set it to contain our file

(setq org-agenda-files '("~/org/"))

With this set, pressing C-c a t will display all headlines in which TODO state is TODO, in a separate buffer. This new buffer is in Org-Agenda mode, a major mode that is specific to these lists, also known as agenda views. In Org-Agenda mode, each headline is displayed in a table, the first column being the category, the second column the TODO state, and the third column the title with tags. It is possible to act on a headline just as in the original Org buffer: change TODO state, set tags and properties… With point on a headline, hitting RET will switch to the corresponding org buffer (at the location of the headline) in the current window. Similar behaviour is available by hitting TAB, but this time the Org buffer is opened in another window.

With C-c a t, you instantly get a bird's eye view of all the TODO tasks, that is much easy on the brain than painfully looking through all the entries in your Org files. The agenda dispatcher offers several other agenda commands. With C-c a T, it is possible to compile a list of headlines with a specific TODO state. For instance, hitting C-c a T CAL RET would display an Org-Agenda buffer with a list of all upcoming events.

4.2. Complex agenda views

There's a reason we described our tasks with tags and properties: Org makes it straightforward to build agenda views based on a specific combination of TODO state, tags and properties (and more!).

Let's pretend it's 13:00, my post-lunch coffee is just brewed and I've got an afternoon free of meetings ahead of me. Now would be a good time to start or continue a substantial programming task. At the time of writing, my main project is PyBaMM, a Python package to simulate and study mathematical models of batteries.

Let's build a list of candidate tasks. Let's invoke the agenda dispatcher once again with C-c a (org-agenda). Pressing m, we can compile a list of tasks that match a given set combination of TODO state, tags and property. In this case, we want to match tasks which CATEGORY value is pybamm and TODO state TODO or STARTED. Programming tasks are attached the dev tag. The string for such a match is therefore:


Where / separates the tag/property query from the TODO state query. NEXT|STARTED matches either states TODO or STARTED.

Because our example Org file is relatively small, there's only one task that matches:

Headlines with TAGS match: dev+CATEGORY="pybamm"/STARTED|TODO
Press ‘C-u r’ to search again
pybamm:     TODO Understand why call to ~__setstate_~ isn't covered by tests :issue_1283_pickle_python_format:dev:

The syntax for matching headlines isn't very complicated. Oftentimes however, there may be several ways of writing complex queries, similarly to writing regular expressions. Speaking of which, you can also use when matching headlines. I won't go into more details about the match syntax here, because it is well described in the Org Reference Manual, see Matching tags and properties.

4.3. Custom agenda views

The ability to narrow down the content of your Org files to a list of tasks matching well defined criteria is of incredible value when it comes to keeping on top of your workload. However, some situations occur more than others, for instance starting or continuing development work on a specific project, and we don't want to continuously (re)write the same – potentially complex – agenda queries.

To avoid this, Org makes it possible to define custom agenda commands, which will be available from the agenda dispatcher, next to "list all TODO entries" and others. With this command defined once and for all, we'll then be one keystroke away from running the corresponding agenda query, just like we would do with C-c a t (org-todo-list).

To define new agenda commands, we customise the variable org-agenda-custom-commands. There's a lot of freedom in defining custom agenda commands, but sadly with great flexibility often comes complexity. So let's illustrate the concept with a couple of simple examples from my own configuration.

4.3.1. Example 1: PyBaMM development work

I didn't choose the previous example, programming for PyBaMM, for no reason. This is actually my main activity at the moment and, several times a day, I must lookup corresponding tasks. Instead of having to use C-a m (org-tags-view) with dev+CATEGORY="pybamm"/TODO|STARTED all the time, I want this to be accessible from a single keystroke, for instance C-c a b. Let's write the corresponding agenda command:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
       "List of all active PyBaMM dev tasks"

The variable org-agenda-custom-commands is a list, in which each element describes a command. Each command is also described as a list. The first element is the key for the command ("b"), the second element is the description that will be display in the agenda dispatcher ("List of all active PyBaMM dev tasks"), the third element is a special symbol that defines the command type. In this example, it is set to tags-todo, which defines a tags/properties/TODO state match across Org agenda files, but only for headlines with a defined TODO state. Lastly, the fourth element is the match string itself ("dev+CATEGORY=\"pybamm\"/TODO|STARTED").

4.3.2. Example 2: Compiling a list of active projects

Another useful agenda operations is to generate a bird's eye view of all active projects. As a reminder, a project is a goal which completion involves more than one tasks. In section 3.1, we described active projects as any top-level headline without a TODO state. Let's add a new command to org-agenda-custom-commands to display a list of active projects:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
             "List of all active PyBaMM dev tasks"
         "List of all active projects"

Where LEVEL=1 matches top-level headlines, and TODO="" matches headlines without a TODO state.

5. Deadlines and appointments: displaying time-specific information in the agenda

Sometimes the description of a task must contain information about time. For instance appointments or events such as seminars, workshops or colloquia. There are also tasks or projects that must be completed by a certain date or which aren't to be started before a specific date or time.

5.1. Timestamps

Org comes with a very complete support for defining and manipulating times and dates, through timestamps. To insert a timestamp at point in the current Org buffer, hit C-c . (org-time-stamp). This will open the built-in Emacs calendar in which you can navigate (using shift and the arrow keys) to select the date you want the timestamp to describe. In addition to the date, you can also write a time directly in the mini-buffer. Org accepts a lot of formats for specifying both date and time, and I encourage you to have a look at the docs for a description of each of them, see 8.2.1 The date/time prompt.

Once you inserted a timestamp, like this <2021-01-06 Wed>, you might want to modify it. Since Org is nothing but plain text, you can always rewrite its content directly. But if you change the day (for instance going from Wed to Tue), you'd have to remember to change the date as well (from 2021-06-01 to 2021-05-01). Instead, you can just put point on the day (Wed) and hit S-DOWN to go back one day. Note how the date is changed automatically. Same goes for each part of the day: to go one month forward in time, just put point on either digits of the month number (01) and hit S-UP. Note how the day is changed accordingly. You can verify for yourself, 2021-02-06 is a Saturday.

In the example Org file above, a few tasks have timestamps. Most of them are calendar events, with the TODO state CAL, for instance:

* CAL Weekly coffee catchup
     <2021-01-05 Tue 11:00-12:00 +1w>

This task has a duration of one hour, indicated by 11:00-12:00. More importantly, this task is repeated every week, hence the +1w. On next Tuesday around noon, when this tasks' state will be switched to DONE, this change will logged below the headline with the right timestamp, but the headline will go back to CAL instantly, the associated date being pushed by a week. Neat!

All sorts of repeating tasks can be defined following the same syntax, e.g +2d for every other day, or +6m for twice a year. You can learn more about repeating tasks in section 8.3.2 of the Org Reference Manual: 8.3.2 Repeated tasks.

5.1.1. Deadlines

Sometimes we must remember that a task must be completed by a specific date and/or time. An example is

* Prepare short presentation on Org-mode for MxResearch  :mxresearch:orgmode:present:
       DEADLINE: <2021-01-07 Thu 14:30>

The above describes a project that must be completed by <2021-01-07 Thu 14:30>. Deadlines can be inserted using C-c C-d (org-deadline).

5.1.2. Scheduled tasks

In a similar way to deadlines, Org makes it easy to describe tasks that shouldn't be started before a specific date. Example:

* NEXT Send Happy New Year cards
  SCHEDULED: <2021-01-01 Fri>

It's sometimes confusing for new Org users to differentiate between setting a SCHEDULED timestamp to a task and a plain timestamp. This quote from the Org Mode Reference Manual clarifies the situation:

Important: Scheduling an item in Org mode should not be understood in the same way that we understand scheduling a meeting. Setting a date for a meeting is just a simple appointment, you should mark this entry with a simple plain timestamp, to get this item shown on the date where it applies. This is a frequent misunderstanding by Org users. In Org mode, scheduling means setting a date when you want to start working on an action item.

The Org Mode 9.4 Reference Manual, section 8.3 Deadlines and Scheduling

5.2. Displaying tasks in the Org Agenda

In section 4.1, the Org agenda dispatcher (M-x org-agenda) was introduced. This dispatcher offers several agenda commands that read agenda files (defined in the org-agenda-files variable) and display some of their content in a clear manner inside a separate buffer, in Org-Agenda mode. Examples are org-todo-list (C-c a t) to list all headlines which TODO state is TODO and org-tags-view (C-c a m) to list all headlines matching a tags/properties/todo query.

Another fundamental agenda command in Org is org-agenda-list, bound to the key a from the agenda dispatcher. This displays a buffer in Org-Agenda mode representing a specific time period, by default the current week. This is effectively an agenda, hence the name Org-Agenda for the corresponding major mode.

As you would expect, any task with an associated timestamp appears in the Org agenda, at the right time and date. Upcoming deadlines are announced according to the value of org-deadlines-warning-days, clearly marked in the day's agenda whenever the corresponding task is due. Scheduled tasks on the day are also clearly signalled, and reminded of every day until they are completed.

The display of the Org agenda is customisable, by hitting v in the Org-Agenda buffer. Particularly, it is possible to go from the default weekly view to a monthly or yearly view. or day view. Going forward in time is done hitting f, backward with b. See 11.5 Commands in the Agenda Buffer.

5.2.1. Viewing progress in the agenda

In section 3.2.1, we saw that changing the state of a task triggers the recording of the date and time at which this change occurred. However, notice that in this case the inserted timestamp is delimited by square brackets instead of < and >. This is refereed to as an inactive timestamp, and by default these will not show up in the agenda. To show inactive timestamps in the agenda, hit v [ in the Org-Agenda buffer.

Showing inactive timestamps in the agenda can make it cluttered and therefore hard to read. However, this makes for a good summary of what happened in a day/week, and when. In my case, using the TODO states configuration introduced in 3.2.1, displaying inactive timestamp is a convenient way of getting a bird's eye view of

  • When a task was completed (switched to DONE).
  • When a task started depending on someone/something else (switched to WAITING).
  • When a task was started (switched to STARTED).
  • When a task was cancelled (switched to CANCELLED).

With point on a task, whether in the agenda or in the Org buffer directly, it's always possible to log a note with an inactive timestamp below it, using C-c z (org-add-note). I use this extensively to log my progress on longer tasks, that might span several days. Even if a task was STARTED yesterday, DONE tomorrow, logging progress with a quick note guarantees it will show up in today's agenda when displaying inactive timestamps.

5.3. Combining lists of tasks and agendas

So far, we've learned how the Org agenda can be used to either display lists of tasks matching a specific tags/todo/properties query, or an agenda displaying timestamped tasks on a timeline. However, customising org-agenda-custom-commands, introduced above in section 4.3, it is possible to define new agenda views that mix both list(s) of tasks and agenda(s).

Let's pretend its Wednesday morning, and you are sitting at your desk. In this context, a simple, yet useful, composite (or "block") agenda command is a combination of the day's agenda and the list of urgent tasks:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      ("v" "Custom day agenda"
           ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 1)))
            (tags-todo "+PRIORITY=\"A\""
                       ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent"))))))

Defining composite agenda views is similar to defining custom single agenda views (see 4.3 for a reminder), except that the third element of the list is itself a list of single agenda views, that makes the composite agenda. In the above example, the agenda view is made of both the day's agenda (agenda "") and a list of tasks matching headlines with the highest priority (tags-todo "+PRIORITY=\"A\""). Both single agenda views are are further customised by properties org-agenda-span and org-agenda-overriding-header, respectively. The first one makes sure only one day is displayed in the agenda. The second defines a clear header for the list of urgent tasks.

Custom agenda views, whether they define single or composite views, offer a broad range of opportunities for quickly displaying information based on your agenda files, in a way useful to a particular area or context. I encourage you to have a look at the the documentation for org-agenda-custom-commands, to grasp the extent of possibilities. If you are looking for inspiration, there is no shortage of example configurations available on the web, and a little searching should give give lots of ideas.

6. Capturing tasks

The previous sections discussed the description and processing of tasks. But to do that, we need tasks. How do we add tasks?

A straightforward way to add a new task is to open the relevant Org file, write a new headline and think about a relevant TODO state, set of tags and CATEGORY property. Perhaps surprisingly, that's not an approach that I would recommend.

Most new tasks and projects originate from sudden ideas or suddenly remembering something, receiving an email or having a conversation. Furthermore, tasks almost never come well-defined, with their clear formulation and relevant context. What comes to mind is more of a blurry idea of something you would want or have to do. This idea must be captured, but in a way that is the least disruptive to your current task, whether it's working through your email inbox or attending the weekly team meeting. Particularly, now is not the time to think hard about a clear formulation of what must be done, neither of when, by whom, and in which context. This can be done later, when your full attention is available to process this new task.

Again inspired from David Allen's GTD approach, the addition of new tasks and project is made of two distinct steps: capturing and processing. The next two sections are all about the former. Section 6.3 then focuses on processing captured tasks.

6.1. Writing directly in the Org file

New tasks come in the form of blurry ideas, often a couple of trigger words, without any tags, TODO state or properties. Adding it to your Org file(s) straight away is therefore risky, as it is likely that you will end up forgetting about its existence, the corresponding headline being progressively buried in the depth of your todo list. Particularly as it will not appear in your agenda buffer with any tags, TODO state or properties.

By adding a tag, say UNPROCESSED, to a new headline, we can make sure that at anytime we can list all tasks that are yet not fully part of the system, and that require processing. However, I still wouldn't consider a satisfactory solution. First of all, it is very easy to forget to add the UNPROCESSED tag. If you do so, you will likely forget about the task and not noticing it until too late… hello stress! Second, when editing an Org file, there is always the risk of messing with its content, potentially altering the description of other tasks. You wouldn't want to inadvertently push the deadline for that grant proposal by a week, would you?

6.2. Using org-capture

Both pitfalls can be avoided by using org-capture. This function lets you add a new headline to an Org file, from any other buffer, in a well-defined manner. No risks of altering anything.

For this to be true, let's bind org-capture to C-c c in the global keymap:

(global-set-key "\C-cc" 'org-capture)

Now, whatever you're doing in Emacs, for instance reading your emails or writing code, you can always use org-capture to add a new headline in a relevant location – which remains to be defined.

Calling org-capture displays a splash buffer, from which a specific capture template can be selected. A capture template defines the target file as well as under which headline in this file the captured item should be placed, with what tags, TODO state, and potentially more. By default, Org offers only one capture template, named "Tasks". Selecting this template displays a new buffer with a an empty first level headline, ready to be defined with a title, tags, properties and whatever you want to attach to it . Hitting C-c C-c will write this headline as a second level headline under the "* Tasks" entry in a file .notes in your home directory. The capture buffer is closed and you can resume your task at hand.

The behaviour of org-capture is highly customisable, through writing custom capture template as shown in the next section. However, the default behaviour already exposes the tow main benefits of using org-capture: disruption is kept at a minimum, and there is no risk of altering the existing content of the target file.

6.2.1. Writing capture templates

The default capture template may be useful to some, but org-capture can only reach its true potential with defining custom capture templates. This is done by customising the variable org-capture-templates. Let's consider an example from my own configuration:

(setq org-capture-templates
          '(("t" "Default capture" entry (file "~/org/")
             "* %?\n%u\n%a\n")))

The above defines a capture template "Default capture", bound to "t" in the capture dispatcher (it effectively overrides the default template). The keyword entry indicates that the template is for an Org headline. Other options are item, checkitem, table-line and plain, for a list item, a list item with a checkbox, a new line in a table, or just some text, respectively. The fourth argument (file org-default-notes-file) indicates that the completed template should be made a top-level headline in the target file ~/org/ Lastly, the string "* %?\n%u\n%a\n" defines the template itself, and deserves its own paragraph.

A capture template string can be made of any text, but special characters (referred to as "%-escapes" in the documentation) enable great flexibility and automation. For instance, the string ~"* %u\n" defines a template beginning with a star character, followed by a space, followed by an (inactive) timestamp indicating the capture time, followed by a new line. So what does "* %?\n%u\n%a\n" mean? The "%-escape" string %a stands for a link to the location from which the call to org-capture was made, and %? indicates the position of the cursor in the capture buffer, both separated by a new line character.

There are more than 25 different escape characters available to customise the behaviour of your capture templates, and if none fits your needs, it's always possible to evaluate arbitrary Emacs Lisp expression when expanding a capture template.

Beyond using %-escapes, capture templates can be further customised through adding properties to the template definition list. For instance

(setq org-capture-templates
          '(("t" "Default capture" entry (file "~/org/")
             "* %?\n%u\n%a\n" :prepend :jump-to-captured)))

will insert the captured headline at the top of the target file instead of appending to it, and jump to target file after closing the capture buffer.

6.2.2. More examples of custom capture templates

If you've skimmed through the documentation for org-capture, there is presumably no need to convince of how flexible capture templates can be. You can surely find many examples on the web, but here are two more:

;; Prompt user for a description, displaying the string "Description"
;; Also prompt for a set of tags (%^g) and a inactive timestamp,
;; displaying "Date and time",
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
               "Calendar entry"
               (file org-default-notes-file)
               "* CAL %^{Description} %^g\n%^{Date and time}T "))
;; Insert a new TODO item under the "emails" headline in org-default-notes-file
;; Add a link to the current location (likely the email itself) and a deadline
;; to the next day, by evaluating the elisp s-expression
;; "(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+1d\"))"
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
             '("e" "email" entry (file+headline org-default-notes-file "emails")
               "* TODO %a %?\nDEADLINE: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+1d\"))"))

6.3. Processing captured tasks with org-refile

Capturing must a fast, minimally disruptive action. The main purpose of capturing is to get embryonic tasks or projects off your head as soon and quickly as possible, but with confidence that it will be processed soon, rather than lost the minute your attention shifts back to the task at hand.

Most captured items aren't exploitable yet, because they're not descriptive enough to make it to the main Org file(s). Consequently, most of my captures target a specific file, that acts as a repository for ideas, thoughts, assignments or links to emails awaiting reply or containing important information. More generally, it's anything that pops up during the day that is not requesting my attention right away.

Periodically – in average once a day – this list is reviewed, and each headline is processed. This is when the hard thinking is done. Each headline must be clarified, its TODO state and set of tags defined, and its CATEGORY property set. This is done answering several questions such as:

  • Is this a task? If yes, what's a good description for it?
  • Is this a project instead? If yes, what's a good description for it? What's the goal? Does it need planning? What's the next action?
  • Is this something that I want to do? Does this fit my current priorities?
  • Is this something that could or should be done by someone else?
  • Do I have to care about this now?
  • What's the category for this task/project? (i.e. set CATEGORY property).
  • What's the context for this task/project? (i.e. set collection of tags).

Once a headline in has been processed, it is ready to enter the collection of main Org files that forms the tasks and project database. Again, in my personal case, this is a single file Instead of cutting (killing) the headline and potential sub-trees and pasting (yanking) it at the right location in the destination Org file, Org provides the function org-refile, that helps with moving headlines around, whether it is between headlines in a single file, or across files.

6.3.1. org-refile to move headlines around consistently

org-refile essentially is a convenience wrapper around cutting and pasting headlines, automatically adjusting the headline level. Consider the following case:

* A
* B

Refiling B to A leads to:

* A
** B

It is also possible to refile headlines across files. The variable org-refile-targets must then be a list of the target files, together with some specification of which headlines in the target files are eligible to be refile targets. For example with

(setq org-refile-targets
      '(("" . (:todo . "TODO"))
        ("" . (:maxlevel . 1))
        ("" . (:tag . "MEETING"))))

the target headline will be selected among a set made of

  • any headline with TODO state TODO in file
  • any top level headline or headline with tag MEETING in file

6.3.2. Clearing the inbox with org-refile

My main use of org-refile is to move processed tasks/projects from the (where captured items go) to the main Org file Using org-refile is faster and less error-prone than manually cutting/pasting headlines around. This simple use of org-refile makes for a simple org-refile-targets variable:

(setq org-refile-targets '(("" :maxlevel . 1)
                           ("" :maxlevel . 1)))

This means that processed tasks in can be refiled under any top level headlines in either files and

That's useful to refile tasks to their respective project headline, but how do we refile items as top level headlines in or, i.e. how do we refile standalone tasks or projects? The trick is:

(setq org-refile-use-outline-path 'file)

following which the target file itself can be selected as the refile target and the headline appended as a top level headline in that file.

7. Archiving

  • Archiving is basically refiling to the archive file
  • C-c C-x C-a invokes command specified in org-archive-default-command.
  • Defaults to org-archive-subtree (C-x C-c C-s)
  • Archiving regularly keeps your file(s) compact.

See 9.2 Archiving in the Org manual.



Org can manage bibliographies, see org-ref.


There are several ongoing efforts to port Org Mode editing support for text editors other than GNU Emacs. See org.vim or vim-orgmode, org-mode for Atom, vscode-org-mode or orgmode for Sublime Text 2 & 3. In addition, organice re-implements Org using web technologies, i.e in the browser.